Helping Welsh Government and other public bodies in Wales improve through digital transformation, by designing and building secure bilingual digital services and websites.
S8080 is an independent Welsh company and we’re very proud of that. Our company was started in Wales in 2000, we have a Welsh HQ and employ lots of Welsh people (and a couple of ex-English for variety).
We are not a regional subsidiary of an international company or a token Welsh sales office of a large English agency. However, we do win lots of work in England and bring it all back, which must be a good thing for Wales.
As well as our national clients, S8080 have been working with Welsh Government and the wider Welsh public sector for almost 20 years.
Because there were no English/Welsh bilingual content management systems available at the time, we designed, developed and built our own. These days, we develop using leading open source platforms that have thankfully caught up with Welsh language standards.
Our Welsh clients include
- Welsh Government
- Business Wales
- Development Bank of Wales
- National Assembly for Wales
- Traffic Wales
- Cadw
- Wales Audit Office
- Careers Wales
- Natural Resources Wales
- Welsh local authorities
- Welsh police forces
How to procure
As well as procuring direct, there are simple, compliant ways to buy our ISO 27001 certified services, through these three easy to use frameworks.
Bloom, working in partnership with the National Procurement Services for Wales, responds to the specific needs of the Welsh public sector, providing a fast, compliant, cost-effective and simple method of finding the right supplier for the job, while contributing to a Prosperous Wales.
Welsh Government Communication and Marketing Framework
The Communication & Marketing Framework Contract (F228-2022-2023) is available predominantly for Welsh Government and its agencies, but also to other Welsh public bodies including local authorities, education, NHS in Wales, etc. Contact the framework managers for information and guidance.
We have several Welsh/English bilingual services on the G-Cloud digital marketplace, allowing Welsh public bodies to save time and money procuring our services, using the plain English G-Cloud call-off contract.
G-Cloud contracts are very flexible and can last for 24 months, plus two 12-month extensions, so four years in total.
There is a useful step-by-step G-Cloud buyer’s guide on the GOV.UK website, but you can also talk to us before you start. There is a useful guide explaining the compliant way to start this early engagement with S8080 too.
Our G-Cloud Welsh/English bilingual services
- Bilingual Umbraco content management systems, support and migration
- Bilingual Drupal content management systems, support and migration
- Bilingual LocalGov Drupal content management systems, support and migration
- Bilingual Open source website and digital service, support and migration
- Bilingual Local authority, local government and council web portals and platforms
- Bilingual user research and discovery (Wales based)
- Bilingual digital transformation support
- Welsh/English bilingual Local authority, local government and council web portals and platforms
- Welsh/English bilingual LocalGov Drupal CMS
- Welsh / English bilingual user research and discovery (Wales based)
Contact S8080’s directors, Chris Cowell and Matt Howard, to discuss your project and how the various frameworks can help you: mailto:[email protected]