Web Project Manager
S8080 is looking for a Web Project Manager to join our existing project management team. The role covers all aspects of Web project management from definition of project scope, project plan, deliverables and resource allocation, monitoring and ongoing liaison with clients and the implementation team throughout the project lifetime. This role involves extensive communication with the client, and the managing of internal resources. PRINCE2 qualifications and experience would be a benefit. We operate an IIP training program and the successful candidate would be required to undertake PRINCE2 Practitioner exams at the earliest opportunity if the qualification is not already held.
Junior Designer
S8080 is looking for a talented Junior Designer to join our creative team. We don't mind if you are fresh out of college or have some experience, as long as you are a qualified designer who is passionate about the web and can build websites using CSS. The job will start in January and will be maternity leave cover. Although initially a 6 month contract, this will give you a chance to experience life in a busy but friendly agency and work on projects that will make you mates envious! If you think you would like to join us, please send your CV for the attention of Chris Cowell, Creative Director to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.